

Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count.

To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link:

I am happy with your comments! Since English is my second language I am glad about any help to improve grammar or terms.


When I close my eyes the scene appears immediately: small houses sticking to the terraced hill, cypresses, bald and lonely, warm rain falling from mountain clouds.  I can hear the music of the landscape, it sounds in my heart like an everlasting OM, telling me I love my homeland, wherever I will be on this planet. But still I am thousands of miles away and God only knows, if I ever will come back again. The day I followed you changed my life completely. Though, after thirty years I am sure my home is where my heart is. And my heart is with you.

words: 104



Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count. To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link


He courted me, besieged me with expensive gifts and last night he came up with his real identity.

“I am Zeus,” he said and smiled, “no woman could ever resist me.”

I was sure definitely now he was insane.

“But I love Tommy,” my voice trembled.

“Sure,” his eyes were cold. “That´s the place he is waiting for you, Darling.”

He handed me a piece of parchment. I knew the street, lots of beautiful old mansions.

I found the house and slowly panic was spreading in my stomach.

“Tommy? “

Above my head I heard a crunching noise and looked up into Tommy`s stony face-

Genre: fantasy

Words: 105

Every Medal has two sides


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count. To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link:


“I want to be white, Mummy! “

The little orange Koi angrily beated with her fin.

“Whites have more fun! And only a White can be Miss Koi-Pond!”

“Oh darling, you are the cutest little orange Koi here !”,

her mother said as calmly as she could.

“And one day a nice Koi-boy will come and realize that…”

“No no no ! I want to be WHITE! Like White-Angel, look how all the boys swim around her –“

A shadow fell on the pond.

“I made my choice, Mister Takimoto, “ a dark voice said.

“I´ll take this white beauty over there.”


words: 101

Black and White


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count.

To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link:

This time I felt like writing a poem- what an adventure! It is this the kind of lyric I write in German, line breaking, playing around with words – so I hope imploringly I didn´t use any ridiculous or completely wrong phrases – comments and help with the language are welcome, as always! I hope you enjoy my first attempt in poetry here…


We were the black and

the white

the perfect sound of

our love

a warm coat in

this cold world


now the

pain rises

inside of me like

water in a swelling river

and silence

has nested in every



I believed in

you and me and

in the wonderful structure of verse

and chorus

and bridge of our life


Now our love

has fallen

silent the rooms

don´t  breath your perfume


I see my heart

lying in the dust

there is no beat no


nothing to hear





Genre: poem

words: 95



There was not much left when the water withdrew. Miles behind the coast the destruction was not so heavy but still the car park of the supermarket was flooded.

“What is your name, Miss?”

The voice of the friendly looking young man seemed not to reach Eva´s ears.

“Miss? Where do you come from?”

Eva stared at the water, silently. Then with a sudden move she turned around.

“I didn´t let her off, “she said with a soundless voice.

“She must be here somewhere, I didn´t let her off, I´m sure -”

Shopping carts drifted in the muddy water like homeless boats.

Words: 102

This story I dedicate to all those, who survived any kind of catastrophe and feel guilty because they could not save their beloved ones.The title „homeless“ means not only the loss of a physical home but more than that the feeling of having lost the „Heimat“ of your heart.

what a difference a day makes

the photo of this weeks inspiring prompt comes from Sandra Crook

the photo of this weeks inspiring prompt comes from Sandra Crook

Sitting on the steps of the old amphitheatre, I hummed the melody of the song that marked the beginning of our lovestory. There was no shadow, I could feel the heat on my skin.

„Thank you guys, good job, it will be a fantastic premiere! “

The director was enthusiastic.

“You were all great, just memorize this rehearsal and replay it at 9:00 p.m. tonight!”

Some of them laughed, I watched the group leaving the wooden stage and tried to find out, which of the three women was the one who just ruined my marriage: Bianca, Emilia or Desdemona.

105 words today are looking forward to your helpful comments!


Tom stand an der Klippe und war so fasziniert vom Kampf zweier Möwen dass er Dorotheé nicht kommen hörte.

„Traumabewältigung“ hatte er diese Reise genannt. Dorotheé wollte nie eine Villa mit Pool mieten, aber sie konnte sich wie immer nicht durchsetzen.

„Es gibt eine Poolabdeckung,“ lachte er. „Ich schwimme und decke danach den Pool ab, Ich schwöre!“

Nachdem sie Tammy gefunden hatten, stolperte Dorotheé schreiend durch den Garten, das tote Kind in den Armen.

„Ich wollte nicht zurückkommen,“ flüsterte sie.

Die Möwen flatterten erschrocken auf, als die beiden Körper auf den Strand krachten.

Copyright – E.A. Wicklund

Copyright – E.A. Wicklund

93 Wörter / diese Geschichte habe ich auf Englisch für meine Friday Fictioneers community geschrieben ( es gibt ein Foto als Vorgabe, zu diesem Foto schreibt man eine Geschichte, die nur 100 Worte hat ) – und dann übertragen ins Deutsche, Wider Erwarten habe ich 10 Wörter weniger auf Deutsch. Es ist zum Teil eine wahre Geschichte, die im Ferienhaus neben uns passiert ist und mich nie verlassen hat.


three doors

„Make your choice carefully,“ the fairy said.

“The door you choose will make your destiny.”

“But – “

the prince stared confused at the three portals ,” none of them seems to lead anywhere –“

“Do you always just believe what your eyes tell you?” The fairy shook her head and both of them were covered with stardust.

“If you don´t feel your destination inside your heart you will never find the right way,” she whispered.

“Listen to your heart, prince, and believe – “

The fairy disappeared in a golden cloud and the prince walked slowly through the open door…


99 words this time….

already addicted to Friday Fictioneers – thanks for another inspiring prompt!

“Maria, aren´t you here?”

the_second_hand_shop-1Walter stood in the open door of the secondhand shop. He stared into and held on to the doorframe tightly. I heard him calling, softly, as if his voice was from the exercise  as if his voice was strained  from the exercise:

”Maria?” and again: “Maria?” It broke my heart.

Walter had again disappeared after the breakfast. Meanwhile, I knew where I could find him. Many of the common furniture had landed after the death of his wife in the small secondhandshop few blocks from the rest-home. Maria had cared for him, without her help he could have lived no longer at home with Alzheimer.

“Maria, aren´t you here?”

Words: 100   101

Mein Beitrag zur Wochenaufgabe bei FRIDAY FICTIONEERS. 

Die Aufgabe ist: schreibe eine kurze Geschichte mit maximal 100 Wörtern zu dem vorgegebenen Foto. Die Aufgabe kommt aus USA, daher ist die Geschichte in Englisch. Nicht einfach, aber Übung macht ja bekanntlich den Meister!


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.